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The 'Verse Interactive - Create a planet, invade others

Cpt. Volto
Mr. Gestapo
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The 'Verse Interactive - Create a planet, invade others Empty The 'Verse Interactive - Create a planet, invade others

Post  Mr. Gestapo Thu Jul 28, 2011 10:04 pm

You must descibe your planet and it's inhabitants so I can make them in photoshop, after your planet is added, you can take different actions such as developing technologies, invading other planets and such. You can also create a flag for your planet if you like, but you'll have to do it yourself.

Okay, to play this, you first need to create a planet, and then roleplay the rest.

-You can only create one additional thing to benefit your planet per post, and if you invade someone, give them a fighting chance.
-Don't make things that make you invincible, for example "The Jesus Shield" or something like that.
-If your planet gets destroyed, do not worry, you can always create a new one, just do not revenge kill.

Here's the 'verse so far (and my contribution):
The 'Verse Interactive - Create a planet, invade others MuhYj

I'll start this off:
Hayrenik (Gaelic or something for 'homeworld'): An arid planet with a large ocean, it's inhabited by the 'Whedonians', the descendants of colonists coming from a certain blue planet in a certain solar system, they are relatively advanced and capable of space travel, their main energy source is Helium-3, harvested from their only moon. The Whedonians have a rather autoritarian government in order to keep the whole planet under control.

Last edited by Mr. Gestapo on Fri Jul 29, 2011 8:08 pm; edited 4 times in total
Mr. Gestapo
Mr. Gestapo
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The 'Verse Interactive - Create a planet, invade others Empty Re: The 'Verse Interactive - Create a planet, invade others

Post  Cpt. Volto Thu Jul 28, 2011 10:13 pm

For you Frank, You wanted a Pony Planet, heres a Pony Planet.

Planet: Equestria

Main Inhabitants: Ponies which come in Three Forms: Earth, Unicorn, And Pegasus.

Other Inhabitance: Griffins, Hydras, Dragons, House Pets, Small Wildlife, ect.

Weaknesses: Lack of Fingers and Thumbs, Walk on Four Legs.

Strengths: Magic *Teleportation, Levetation, ect.* (Unicorns only) Flight and Weather Control (Pegasus only) Incresed Strength and can't Die on Home Planet (Earth Only) The Ability to Breath in Space (All)

Planet Terrain: Mostly Forest, Montains, Desert, and Plains.

Capital: Canterlot. Home to Princess Celestia and Pricess Luna, the Rulers of the planet.

Most Popular City: Ponyvill.

The 'Verse Interactive - Create a planet, invade others The_fl10

Last edited by Cpt. Volto on Fri Jul 29, 2011 10:09 pm; edited 2 times in total
Cpt. Volto
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The 'Verse Interactive - Create a planet, invade others Empty Re: The 'Verse Interactive - Create a planet, invade others

Post  Latteh "Danger" Starbucks Fri Jul 29, 2011 4:18 pm

planet star bucks

inhabitants: walking lattes

ways to kill them: spill them

planet terrain :mountains penis everywhere

water is filled with latte drink juice

also the only way to kill a latte is to spill them. but they can easily refill them selfs from the abundance of latte juice drink in its oceans
Latteh "Danger" Starbucks

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The 'Verse Interactive - Create a planet, invade others Empty Re: The 'Verse Interactive - Create a planet, invade others

Post  Mr. Gestapo Fri Jul 29, 2011 5:51 pm

The 'Verse Interactive - Create a planet, invade others EhJI4
Planet Starbucks has appeared. In turn, Hayrenik builds a small fleet.

Planet Equestria has appeared. Only time will tell what kind of horrible creatures live in this world.
Mr. Gestapo
Mr. Gestapo
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The 'Verse Interactive - Create a planet, invade others Empty Re: The 'Verse Interactive - Create a planet, invade others

Post  Anne_Marie_Saberlin Sun Jul 31, 2011 11:25 pm

Most resembled to Earth.
Human like dwellers called manamals that have three eyes and are a-sexual.
They are a highly intelligent group that has abilities that surpass those of humans. And a massive amount of technology.
To kill them, you must sing a special song. But you won't be told what it is.

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The 'Verse Interactive - Create a planet, invade others Empty Re: The 'Verse Interactive - Create a planet, invade others

Post  Latteh "Danger" Starbucks Sat Aug 06, 2011 11:30 am

i declare war on Equestria

im sending in my latte cup ships to spill boiling hot latte all over them
Latteh "Danger" Starbucks

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The 'Verse Interactive - Create a planet, invade others Empty Re: The 'Verse Interactive - Create a planet, invade others

Post  Cpt. Volto Sat Aug 06, 2011 1:37 pm

I react by training my Ponies the art of War.
Cpt. Volto
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The 'Verse Interactive - Create a planet, invade others Empty Re: The 'Verse Interactive - Create a planet, invade others

Post  Nipah Sun Aug 07, 2011 12:29 am

planet: Stroggos

inhabitants: Strogg, Extremely warlike, cybernetic species that both kills and captures it enemies and turns them into their own soldiers. also see badass, pg. 438

Planet: Earthlike planet, with an oxygen rich atmosphere. has an Asteroid belt with a secret Makron base. and 1 moon with the Stogg air base

Strengths: Numbers as the AI is buggy as hell still but they never shoot each other. Comprized with units from rushing melee units to floating whores with rocket launchers and guys with laser cannon bullshit, and mechanized units of giant spiders and ridiculous shit. Scary as fuck which is -1 morale for the enemies

weakness: needs communications and lots of power. EMPs will fuck up the most advanced units (not so for the basic units: rifleman, melee)
The 'Verse Interactive - Create a planet, invade others Strogg_banner-small

Last edited by Nipah on Sun Aug 07, 2011 12:01 pm; edited 3 times in total

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The 'Verse Interactive - Create a planet, invade others Empty Re: The 'Verse Interactive - Create a planet, invade others

Post  Director Ari Saberlin Sun Aug 07, 2011 1:09 am

Planet Name: Vegeta

Planet Features: A planet that is three times the size of Earth. It is mostly arid, consisting of 50% land and 50% water. Atmosphere is similar to Earth in terms of gaseous make-up, however, gravity is about 10 times that of Earth.

Planet Inhabitants: Saiyans, humanoid race led by the autocratic Prince Vegeta. The people are extremely aggressive and highly warlike. While they are technologically advanced enough for intersolar space travel, most of their offensive tactics consist of super-human hand to hand combat that is so FUCKING HARDCORE it can level entire FUCKING cities. Saiyans are rated M for MANLY.

Other Notes: As they lack ship to ship based weapons, their starships serve as transports. Destroying them will kill Saiyans as they cannot breathe in space. However, if but one of those transports lands, it will only take one Saiyan to lay waste to a whole city. A single Saiyan can slap its dick against the base of a skyscraper and bust it in half. LIKA BAWS.

The 'Verse Interactive - Create a planet, invade others 3_Star_Dragonball__Object_Dock
Director Ari Saberlin
Director Ari Saberlin
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The 'Verse Interactive - Create a planet, invade others Empty Re: The 'Verse Interactive - Create a planet, invade others

Post  Nipah Mon Aug 08, 2011 12:07 pm

we want our planets damnit

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The 'Verse Interactive - Create a planet, invade others Empty Re: The 'Verse Interactive - Create a planet, invade others

Post  Nipah Sat Aug 13, 2011 11:28 am

Stroggos constructs the great planetary defense cannon, The big gun. It is capable of hitting orbiting ships and any transports entering the atmosphere.

The 'Verse Interactive - Create a planet, invade others BigGunSkyBox2

they Also construct automated ground to air missile sites that are capable of taking down transports. but not reaching out into space.


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The 'Verse Interactive - Create a planet, invade others Empty >:D

Post  Mr. Gestapo Sat Aug 13, 2011 2:53 pm

The 'Verse Interactive - Create a planet, invade others FzB8X

-Planet Saberland has appeared.
-Planet Stroggos has appeared.
-Planet Vegayta has appeared.

The 'Verse Interactive - Create a planet, invade others Y4ExD

Planet STARBUCKS has sent three LATTEH CUP LATTE DRINK VESSELS CLASS L4773 with course towards EQUESTRIA.

(the image is too big to fit the board now, but you can see the whole thing if you right click and paste the URL in a new tab or something)
Mr. Gestapo
Mr. Gestapo
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The 'Verse Interactive - Create a planet, invade others Empty Re: The 'Verse Interactive - Create a planet, invade others

Post  Cpt. Volto Sat Aug 13, 2011 5:18 pm

Equetria begins the mass production of V5 AN-S Cannons.
Cpt. Volto
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